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  • Registrant : 泉大津市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/22
  • Published : 2023/11/22
  • Changed :2023/11/22
  • Total View : 859 persons
2024/3/17 / 泉大津市 / Other

A Place for Everyone

Why don't you take a peek !.

・ The city is promoting the creation of new places for people to meet and interact with each other, utilizing the know-how of the private sector, with the aim of creating a society where no one is left behind, including those suffering from isolation, the elderly, and the disabled.
It is a place where anyone can casually gather and interact, so why don't you take a look !.

Address 泉大津市
Date 2024/3/17
Time detail
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Vivinavi - Events

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